Monday, October 22, 2012

I Heart Fall

Hello lovely people. We are officially in the fall season and I'm enjoying every second of it. In the past, I wasn't crazy about fall, but this year it has taken me by storm and I can't get enough. My Pinterest boards are littered with sweaters and hearty breads and I can't seem to come up with an outfit that doesn't include a scarf and boots. 

Here are my top 6 fall favorites. 

1. Homemade pumpkin bread from Skinny Taste. Super dense, super pumpkin-y, super delicious.  

2. "Leaves" candle from Bath & Body Works. The perfect autumnal smell. 

 3. Free (yes, I said free) Minnetonka moccasins. 

 4. Tree line slowly turning from green to the yellows, reds, and oranges that epitomize this season.

5. The most perfect tree on my block. First to turn this year! 

6. Boots, scarf, trench coat, beats, leaves. 

Oh, and Thanksgiving. I can't freaking wait for Thanksgiving. 

Happy fall, y'all! 

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