Sunday, August 3, 2014

Lizzing London, Volume 1: One Month to go!

I can't remember how to change the title of my blog. That's how long it's been since I've even considered blogging again. Please bear with me.

Now, this blog will be much different than what I have previously been writing about, my dear reader - all one of you. I'm sure you (basically just my mom) are really going to like the new direction, though. As you might have noticed from the title, I'm off on a new adventure in a new city. In just about a month, I'll be packing up and heading off to London to start grad school!

To recap the last year that lead up to this actually happening, here is a timeline.

May/June 2013: travel to London with family. Freak out on plane ride there. Love the city from day 1. Wonder about the construction workers outside our flat for next two weeks while exploring the city. Get hooked on tea with milk and the electric teapot.

June/July/August 2013: Think a lot about doing my personal essay, get references together, write a bunch of personal essay that gets deleted. process repeats.

September 2013: Whole month spent helping with BFF's upcoming wedding, doing wedding activities, worrying about writing maid of honor speech, and actually write something significant for personal essay.

September 30th 2013: Stay up until ungodly hours re-writing most of personal essay after having panic that it's the worst thing I've ever written. Big props to Genna for editing me in my panic.

October 2nd 2013: Submit application, panic for next week about doing it correctly. Genna gets married. Sweat a lot on day of wedding.

October & most of November: Incessantly check to see if there is an update on application. No update.


January 2014: Apply for housing. Mostly no panic happening.

January - May 2014: Worry about leaving, worry about not leaving, worry about having everything together, attempt to get rid of everything I own, but then worry about not having anything left, get overly excited, plan for every inevitable failure in life, freak out a lot, move out of apartment, freak out even more, give notice at work, stop panicking so much, oh wait - more panic.

June 2014: Apply for visa & attempt to get IL driver's license. This license part isn't even really part of this story, but it was an ordeal that I cannot forget.

July 2014: Plan lots of fun things, start to get so excited and not so much panic, get Visa approved, enjoy time in Chicago before I leave.

So, now we're caught up. As you can see, I spent the better part of the last 12 months losing my mind over this, but it's all been worth it knowing that I'll get to spend at least the next year of my life (hopefully more!) in London, in my opinion of one of the greatest cities ever.

My blog will definitely still be a place where I rant about beauty, fashion, and other odd things that are girly, but also a travel blog - the series named by the famous Greyhound bus tweeter, Kelli Johnson (@kellistlouis)

Welcome to Lizzing London.

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