Tuesday, January 8, 2013

My Top 5 Beauty Products

December and the holidays have come and gone and with it brought an absence of blog posts. I took a much needed break, went home for a while, and planned a very exciting upcoming trip! After all of that, I made a few New Years Resolutions - one of those being Lace & Dinosaurs. This year, I want to throw myself into this blog and hopefully churn out some great posts and try some new things.  

To jump back into blogging, I decided to determine my Top 5 Beauty Products that I could not live without. Now, obviously this whole "live without" thing qualifies that I have everything that I need, but only got the chance to pick 5 beauty products I can use. Also, I bent the rules a little... 

1. Celestial Facial Moisturizer from Lush 

I've learned that investing in a nice facial moisturizer is worth the money. I wouldn't say that about all products, but totally worth it for your face. I found Celestial when I was looking for a lightly scented, semi-thick lotion that wouldn't break me out. It's great for sensitive skin. I have tried other moisturizers and they work well, but this is still my all time favorite. It smells like almonds when you first put it on (which I love), but the scent fades quickly (which I also love) leaving your skin silky smooth and ready for bed or to start the day. My ONLY complaint with this is a common complaint I have with many Lush products. They come in these cute little black pots, but damn they get messy. 

2. Full 'N Soft Mascara & The Falsies Volume Express Mascara - both by Mabybelline 

Yep, bending the rules for these products. I honestly could not pick between either of these and since they are the same brand, I figured it's like one thing :) As opposed to moisturizer, I think that drug store mascara is totally awesome and there is no need to spend money on high end brands. These two are my ultimate favorites for two different purposes. I use Full 'N Soft on a day-to-day basis to get long, natural lashes. Then, when I want a little extra oomph, I use The Falsies Volume Express. It really thickens your lashes and gives you that wide-eyed look for a night out. 

3. One 'n Only Argan Oil 

The ends of my hair get very dry and I get split ends easily as I use quite a bit of heat on my locks. I was recommended to try either Argan oil or Moroccan oil about two years ago to help this problem and discovered this spray treatment that is a blend of both! It smells AMAZING and leaves your hair super soft...like baby soft. They also make this product in an oil you can pour into your hands and apply to your hair, but since mine is very, very fine, I prefer the spray. I spritz a little bit into my wet hair right after I wash it and bam - soft. 

4. Benefit Erase Paste Concealer & Maybelline Dream Lumi Touche Concealer/Highlighter 

I know, two products again and this time they aren't even the same brand. Oops. But, I use them in combination with each other, so, rules schmools. I am paranoid about my under eyes and rightly so. By having a great concealer & highlighter you can almost forgo all other make up and look wide awake and ready for the day. I use Erase Paste under my eyes only (as it is slightly peachy tinted to help contrast dark circles) and then do the rest of my make up. After I've finished, I top off with the Dream Lumi Touche (I promise, the 'e' is really there, but didn't show up in the photos for some reason) under my eyes and along my cheek bones right above my blush. I think it's that extra little brightness that really finishes it all off. 

5. Vaseline 

This is my cure-all product and by far the item I use most, especially in the winter. You literally can use vaseline anywhere you want and for so many different purposes. I put it on my lips, on my dry elbows, and sometimes all over my face before bed if I'm feeling the need for a little bit more moisture. Aside from it being a great all-over moisturizer and first aide supply, you can put a little bit on your eye lashes before bed each night and it helps them grow thicker and longer! I promise, you won't end up clogging your tear ducts or anything. It's great. 

What would you pick if you could only pick 5? It is SO much harder to decide than it seems! 

1 comment:

  1. Great blog! I always benefit from your beauty recommendations.
