Wednesday, September 26, 2012


To get you warmed up... 

Oh look - you've found yourself at Lace&Dinosaurs! Here you will discover little snippets of my life and some of my favorite things. Among those being, but not limited to: nail polish, crafts, books, organization, travel, and all things girly (and nerdy). I was inspired to start a blog for a few different reasons. Reason #1, my wonderful roommate, Aravinda, has a food blog that is simply delicious. You should go check it out at: Reason #2 comes from my friend Jenny. She has suggested that I start a nail polish blog due to my (slightly) obsessive love fest with polish. Finally -  Reason #3 is for Genna - my BFF and aspiring writer.

So - now you know why I'm here. As I work through the things that are interesting to me, you might figure out why you're here too. You may even get inspired to start a blog of your own! Go forth, my fellow amateur writer friends. The wanna-be writer inside of me encourages you :)


  1. Oh this is a VERY exciting development! Thanks for the shout out...I have GOT to start a blog roll and add this immediately!
