Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Sailsbury & Stonehenge, among other things

I've officially been here for a month. That's totally crazy! A few of us were just talking about it over tea (yes, we've all decided that we're super British and discuss things over tea) and we can't believe how fast this is going.

This past week was fairly standard as far as classes, etc went. The reading has somehow continued to multiply and someday I'll get used to it. On Sunday, though, I finally did something outside of London! Through a friend, I signed up for an all day trip that took us first to Sailsbury and then on to Stonehenge. Here's the recap.

We met at a hotel near St. Pancreas around 9am to get on 4 coach buses and drive to Sailsbury. We got there at about noon and had 3 hours to have lunch and explore. Our first stop was a little British pub that served very British dishes so I finally had my first real meal out. After lunch, we walked a few blocks to the famous Sailsbury Cathedral. It was amazing! I've seen a few Cathedrals here in London as well as some in France, but this one was definitely one of my favorites. There isn't a tour or an audio tour, so you can just wander through at your own pace and look at whatever interests you. Here are a few snaps of the afternoon spent at the cathedral.

Bunny ears have apparently just come to Europe. 

After we finished touring the cathedral, we got to see the Magna Carta, but since photos were not allowed, you can just picture the old piece of cow hid with very squished Latin written on it. It's pretty awesome that they still have it and that it's totally readable after so so so long. Fun fact: there are still 3 clauses that are still in use in the UK today. 

At about 3pm we all went back to the buses and took the short ride to Stonehenge. You have to get a shuttle up to the actual stones from the very modern looking cafe that they drop you off at. There is a guided audio tour for Stonehenge, but honestly, it was more fun trying to get all 6 of us in photos along the perimeter of Stonehenge so we didn't really use the audio guides that much. We did, however, manage to take nearly 50 selfies that only cut out most of us about half the time. Success! 

It was pretty rainy by the time we got to Stonehenge, but it really set the stage. Here are a few photos! 


 The far side - you can sort of see the circular ditches around it. 

 Oh man - it's looking pretty impressive now.

 I'm here! 

The selfie that took 1000 years - we sort of did it! 

Overall, it was a pretty great trip. Even though I lost a day of studying, it was worth it and I'm so glad I got to see some pretty famous things. 

Now, the weekly list of favorite things: 
- Sailsbury & Stonehenge 
- Single person portioned food at the grocery store 
- The classic London weather (I'm still enjoying it for now!) 
- The cobblestone streets that are just normal streets 


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