Monday, November 4, 2013

Bringing it Back

Well hey there - it's been awhile! After a long break over the spring & summer, I've decided it's about time to start up the blog again.  To recap the spring and summer as concisely as possible: it was great! Hot days spent at the pool, cool beers on the deck, and a truly beautiful wedding for my very best friend leave me with some pretty wonderful memories of the last few months.

And now it's fall. My favorite time of year. October brought apple picking, lots of baking, comfy sweaters, and boots. Really, you can't argue that all of those things aren't the best! I'm not sure if it's the weather or just the itch to bring a little life back to Lace&Dinosaurs, but I think either way, I'm excited to try some new things on this blog this year.

That said, I'm going to start with an old reliable for me - favorites! Since it's been ever-so-long since I've done one of these, here are just a few items I'm really digging right now.

Michael Todd Organics - Blue Green Algae Toner 

This toner changed my skin! I've been using it for quite some time now and I can honestly say that when I stop using it, my skin just isn't as great. It's antibacterial AND hydrating so it helps to keep your skin clean and prepped for moisturizer. For realz - it's awesome!

Bath & Body Works Mahogany Teakwood Candle 

I'm just going to come out and say it - this smells like a man. It's awesome. That's all.


I was definitely one of those people who was opposed to an e - reader for a very, very long time. I enjoy the feeling of holding a real book and just the idea that it's a physical thing you can touch & feel. But, after one of my handbags broke due to the weight of a particularly heavy book, I decided it was time to broaden my horizons and get a Kindle. And you know what? It's freaking cool.

Bow Necklace - Forever 21 

Forever 21 is known for its cheap (and easily broken) jewelry, but this one was quite the find! It's delicate and adorable and I wear it nearly everyday. The best part? It hasn't broken yet! Oh, and it's a bow. Duh.

Boyce Avenue 

In my search for new music, I discovered this cover band. They cover just about everything and it's great to listen to anytime you need to chill out - give their Pandora station a try! You won't regret it!


I know, I know - this show is definitely for a younger crowd. It's on the CW for goodness sake. But, I am thoroughly enjoying it. Anything related to the royals in the UK immediately catches my attention and even better, the fashion in this show is KILLER. Not always (most of the time, actually) historically relevant, but I love it all the same. I mean, those head pieces? COME ON.

Welcome to November!